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Foto Bung Karno dan para pemimpin dunia

Written By Gpnkoe on Wednesday, September 28, 2011 | 2:34 AM

Bung Karno was not a thinker, but he is a visionary. And, the vision is a burden that must be endured. A thinker to work with facts and data. The results of his thinking is very logical. Just like mathematics, one plus one should the two. It can not be three.

However, a visionary look beyond the facts. One plus one does not become two. One plus one could be eleven. Add the United States in Ethiopia - then the result is certainly not the two countries - but tremendous power.

Bung Karno see the West as a whole. Unity has a very strong adhesive material. For hundreds of years, Western countries of East loot. Their wealth is captured. How do they balance?
So, he raised the idea of ​​Asian and African Union. At that time, Nehru equally visionary still wondering, "What is yes?" Bung Karno had to send his friends the most good-looking to convince Nehru, "Yes, yes". After Nehru could convince, then Tito, Nasser and Chou En Lai joined live alone.


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